Academic Requirements

The Department at a Glance

It is one of the scientific departments of the Nineveh Technical Institute, founded in 1994 and is interested in preparing qualified technical staff to work in the field of various banking activities and operations (deposits, commercial papers, bank credit, bank accounting, external transfer, documentary credits) and accepts students in it from the scientific and literary branches of the preparatory study, the duration of the study is two years with summer training for two months.


Blended financial and banking education that rises to the world.


Providing financial and banking institutions with human competencies capable of development and creativity in the financial and banking field in line with the requirements of the times and rapid technological developments


1. Preparing qualified technical staff to work in the financial and banking sectors and related activities, with the continuous development of knowledge and skills in the field of banking, investment, financial markets and insurance in the field of adopting modern technology.
2. The use of blended learning (traditional and electronic) in providing students with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of banking specialization using modern methods through electronic platforms (Google Meet, Google Classroom) and other modern means.

Graduate Description 

Qualifying the graduate and enabling him to perform procedural tasks:

Internal and external banking operations.
Insurance operations for various related activities.
Implementation of activities related to investment in securities and the activities of the Iraq Stock Exchange.
Carrying out operations related to granting bank credit and following up the collection of loans.
Using modern technologies in his field of competence.







Student Numbers - First Level
male(36) - female(29)
Student Numbers - Second Level
male(59) - female (53)
Total No.
Faculty Numbers

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